Ignite your libido and turn on with these herbal aphrodisiacs

Hi everyone - Trish here, Founder of Good Psyche, and thanks for tuning into the February edition of The Good Journal. This month we’re talking about herbal aphrodisiacs, of which there are many, so we won’t cover all of them today, but let’s call this an introduction to get you started.

You’ve probably heard of oysters being an aphrodisiac food, but even if you love oysters, you probably don’t want to eat a dozen of them every day. So we’re going to introduce three natural supplements that can be taken daily to improve your vitality.

First, what is an aphrodisiac? An aphrodisiac is a substance that is said to increase libido, or sex drive, pleasure, and performance.

It’s important to state that clinical research is limited, and results are largely anecdotal. It’s also worth noting that very little scientific research exists around female libido in general, and much of the available research for men is focused on the physiology behind ED. However, let’s remember that many of these herbal aphrodisiacs have been used for centuries the world over, are largely considered safe and with minimal if any notable side effects.

So how do they work? Aphrodisiacs can work on various neurophysiological processes impacting sexual arousal, for example lowering your cortisol or stress hormone levels. Let’s remember that when we’re operating from a high-stress, fight or flight mode, sex drive is one of the first things to go, because it is not considered essential to our survival. Aphrodisiacs can also work by increasing testosterone which is a hormone that promotes sex drive, or by improving blood flow and relaxing muscles and mind to allow for a more pleasurable experience.

Here are the aphrodisiacs we want to share with you today. Quick note, one of the beautiful things about these herbs is that they have multiple beneficial applications. For example, they may improve libido AND mood AND have neuroprotective properties. That is not uncommon, so while we’ll cover their effects on sexual wellness, I’ll also mention other benefits to give you an idea of how these can improve your overall wellbeing in many ways.

Mucuna Pruriens: Mucuna or magic velvet bean is a tropical legume traditionally used to address male infertility, male and female libido, and it’s a natural source of L-dopa, the precursor to dopamine, which supplies the brain with the fuel to create more of the beneficial neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. The increased dopamine levels promote the production of hormones like testosterone to improve sex drive and improve sexual performance in men and women.

Side bar: L-dopa is used to treat Parkinson’s disease, and has demonstrated anti-parkinson and neuroprotective benefits, possibly due to its antioxidant activity.

Shilajit: a tar-like resin formed from decomposed organic plant matter derived from mountainous regions of the Himalayas and Siberia. Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine (listen to our article on Ayurveda) for its sexual wellness benefits for both men and women. Shilajit is reported to promote healthy libido, energy levels, and relieve anxious feelings, which can also contribute to the strength and frequency of sexual arousal.

Shilajit is reported to increase sperm count and blood flow, improving male fertility and combating erectile dysfunction. Increasing testosterone, which as we now know impacts sex drive for both men and women.

Other benefits of Shilajit are reported enhanced cognition, immunity, and stamina.

Horny goat weed is a flowering plant that’s reported to normalize cortisol levels, boost testosterone, and aid in s3xual dysfunction like ED, low libido and arousal. Horny goat weed contains bioactive ingredient icariin, which reportedly operates the same mechanism found in pharmaceuticals like Viagra.

Other reported uses include supporting memory, and reducing brain fog, fatigue, and joint pain.

Shatavari: a species of asparagus, is an adaptogenic herb and natural aphrodisiac used for centuries as a tonic for female libido, and virility and stamina in men.

It’s an adaptogen, which helps regulate and balance functions throughout your body, including your ability to adapt to stress, and it’s reported to support hormone regulation in women.

So there are the first four natural aphrodisiacs we’ll cover - more to come!

As a reminder, you should consult with a medical doctor and ask if these supplements are right for you before taking them.

Make sure you check out our new pillow talk playlist on Spotify and follow Good Psyche for more curated playlists to accompany your physical, emotional, and sexual wellness journey!

And if you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us at hello@seekgoodpsyche.com

Thanks for listening!


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3942911/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3731873/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7340557/
  • https://examine.com/supplements/horny-goat-weed/


Mucuna is also a potent psychoactive. And let’s clarify what this means because that word can sound a little scary. A psychoactive substance is something that can impact mood, awareness, thoughts, feelings, or behavior and fall into categories like depressants, stimulants, opiates, and hallucinogens. Many people associate the word psychoactive with well-known psychedelics like LSD, however other types of psychoactives include caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis as well as certain beneficial herbs like Mucuna.


The Good Journal